Easy Setup: Google Credentials for Shopify Social Login



29 January, 2024


To Create a Login App On Google go to


Follow the following steps to Create an OAuth client ID.

  • Click On Credentials.
  • Click on Create Credentials.
  • Click On OAuth Client ID.

Screenshot 2023-05-02 at 11.53.43 AM.png

File the form

  • Select Web Application as the Application type.
  • Enter your website/company name in the Name field.

Screenshot 2023-05-02 at 11.57.44 AM.png

Whitelist Following domain and Uris

  • Add https://plugins.orufy.com in Authorised Javascript Origin

  • Add https://plugins.orufy.com/api/shopify/social-login/google/verify, In Authorised Redirect URIS

  • click on create. Screenshot 2023-05-02 at 11.58.05 AM.png

  • On the Next screen, you will find your newly created client ID and client secret to use for Integrating Google login on the website.

Screenshot 2024-01-30 105630.png

  • Copy the client id, and client secret and paste them into the plugin section. Screenshot 2024-01-30 105459.png

  • On the left side bar click on Online Store -> Themes and click on customize. p1.jpg

  • Go to the page where you want to add social login buttons. Click on add section -> Apps and Select Orufy Social Login. And click on save at the top header. p2.jpg

  • The Google Login button will be visible now on your website. Facebook login_page-0006.jpg

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Why do I need to set up Google login?

  • Google login lets people use their Google accounts to sign in to your website easily. It's convenient and secure.

Q. What's whitelisting and why is it important?

  • Whitelisting makes sure only your website can use the Google login. This protects your website from unauthorized access.

Q. How do I get the login details?

  • After setting up Google login, you'll get a special ID and secret code. You need these to make Google login work on your website.

Q. Do I have to change how my website looks?

  • Not necessarily, but you might need to adjust your website's design to add the Google login buttons. It depends on how you want it to look.

Q. Can I change how the buttons look?

  • Yes, you can usually customize the colors and style of the login buttons to match your website's design.

Q. What if something goes wrong?

  • If you have trouble setting up Google login, double-check the steps you followed. You can also ask Google for help.

Q. Can people sign in with other accounts besides Google?

  • Yes, there are other options like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. But this guide focuses on Google login.

Q. How can I test if Google login works?

  • Try signing in with your Google account on your website. If it works, you're good to go!

Q. How can I keep people's accounts safe?

  • Use HTTPS, keep your website updated, and follow security best practices. Also, make sure to handle user data carefully.

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