Steps to configure Deep Linking in Android App

Deep Linking Android



24 April, 2024


Deep linking in Android App enables users to seamlessly navigate from your website to specific content within your Android app. This user guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to set up deep linking in the app and how to generate or get the Digital Asset Links json required for the linking.

  • Go to , edit the android app and go to "Link Handling" section. Picture 1.png

  • Go to "Deep Linking" and add the domain you have to redirect from your app. Picture 2.png

Make sure that you add proper URL, if your domain contains "www" and the scheme you are using "http" or "https".

Steps to Prepare Digital Asset Links JSON File you can get it by following either step "A" or "B"

Step A

  • Login to your Google Play Console -> Select your app -> From the left Menu Select "Setup" -> Then select "App Signing" and scroll to the bottom of the page. Screenshot 2024-04-24 at 8.53.24 PM.png Here you'll find the asset json copy that and save it.

Step B

  • Login to your Google Play Console -> Select your app -> Go to the deep link and then click on add domain. Picture 3.png

  • To generate your JSON file enter your domain name and you'll get your JSON code example, copy that and save it. Screenshot 2024-04-24 at 9.00.26 PM.png

Steps to Publish your assetlinks.json file:

  • Host the assetlinks.json file on your website at
  • Ensure that the file is served with the content type application/json, accessible over HTTPS, and without any redirects.


  • By following these steps, you can successfully set up deep linking with your android app and now clicking on links will open the app rather than the browser.
  • Once you've done the setup to check if everything is properly configured, after a couple of days login into your developer account and go to "Deep Links" section of the app and it should not show any error there and should indicate linking is proper.
  • Make sure you have the updated app uploaded on PlayStore with deep linking done before checking on the PlayStore console.

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