Search contacts and chats in your admin panel

June, 2024

Contact and Chat Search Features

We are excited to introduce significant improvements to our search functionality, designed to make finding the information you need faster and more efficient. Here’s a look at what’s new:

Contact Search

You can now search your contacts using a variety of fields, making it easier than ever to locate the person you’re looking for. The enhanced search capabilities include: Untitled design - 2024-06-11T093220.541.png

  • Name: Search by first name, last name, or full name.
  • Phone Number: Find contacts using their phone numbers.
  • Date of Birth: Locate contacts by their date of birth.
  • Email Address: Search by email address to quickly find the right contact.

Chat Search

In addition to improved contact searches, you can now search through your chats. This feature helps you find specific conversations and messages quickly and easily. Untitled design - 2024-06-11T093305.430.png

How to Use the New Search Features:

Access the Search Bar:

  • Navigate to the search bar in the app.

Enter Your Query:

  • For Contacts:
    • Type the name, phone number, date of birth, or email address of the contact.
  • For Chats:
    • Enter keywords or phrases from the chat you are looking for.

Review Results:

  • The search results will display matches from your contacts and chats, categorized for easy navigation.


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