What is Scrum?

Scrum is a way to manage projects that helps teams work better together. It uses a set of rules and practices to organize work and encourages teams to learn from their experiences, solve problems on their own, and keep improving.

While it's often used by software development teams, any group can use scrum to work more efficiently. It includes regular meetings, specific tools, and defined roles to help teams stay organized and productive.

What is Sprint?

In project management, a sprint is a short, set period where a team works to finish a certain amount of tasks. Sprints are a key part of scrum and agile methods. Doing sprints well helps teams create better software with fewer problems.

With scrum, a product is built in stages called sprints. These sprints break big projects into smaller, manageable parts.

What is backlog?

A product backlog is a to-do list for the development team, organized by priority. The most important tasks are at the top, so the team knows what to work on first. The team chooses tasks from this list based on their capacity, working at their own pace, either continuously (kanban) or in set periods (scrum), rather than having tasks assigned to them.

Creating a Scrum Project in Orufy Projects

Step 1: Create a Scrum Project

  1. Select Scrum Template:
    • Begin by creating a new project in Orufy Projects.
    • From the template library, choose the Scrum template.
    • Click Create Project to get started.

Step 2: Set Up Your Workflow

  1. Create a Sprint:

    • In Scrum, work is organized into sprints. To start, create a sprint by navigating to the Backlog section.
    • Click on Create Sprint to initiate your first sprint.
  2. Plan and Start a Sprint:

    • Go to Backlog: Here, you can start creating issues (tasks or work items) and assign them to your team members.
    • Create Sprint: Once your backlog is populated, click on Create Sprint to organize these issues into a sprint.
  3. Start a Sprint:

    • Set Sprint Details:
      • Sprint Name: Give your sprint a descriptive name.
      • Duration: Set the duration for the sprint (e.g., 2 weeks).
      • Start Date: Choose when the sprint will begin.
      • End Date: Set the end date for the sprint.
    • Click Start Sprint to begin the sprint and track your team’s progress.

Step 3: Manage Your Sprint

  1. Track and Update Progress:

    • Throughout the sprint, monitor progress by moving issues across the board as they are completed.
    • If needed, adjust the workflow to accommodate new tasks or changes in priorities.
  2. Complete or Move Sprint:

    • At the end of the sprint, review the work completed.
    • Complete Sprint: If all tasks are done, mark the sprint as complete.
    • Move to Next Sprint: Any unfinished tasks can be moved to the next sprint to continue the workflow.