
Inbox Overview

The Inbox is your centralized hub for notifications related to tasks and other important updates. It keeps you informed about the latest developments, ensuring that you never miss any critical information.

Task Notifications

Receive real-time notifications about tasks, including new assignments, updates, and reminders. The Inbox ensures that you stay up-to-date with your responsibilities and any changes in your workload.

  • New Task Alerts: Get notified immediately when a new task is assigned to you, so you can review it and plan your work accordingly.
  • Status Updates: Receive alerts when the status of a task changes (e.g., from "In Progress" to "Completed"), helping you stay aware of task progress and completion.
  • Due Date Reminders: Get timely reminders for upcoming deadlines, ensuring that you complete tasks on time and stay ahead of your schedule.
  • Task Comments and Mentions: Be notified when someone comments on a task you’re involved with or mentions you in a discussion, allowing you to respond quickly and keep the conversation moving forward.