Facebook App Events Integration Guide
Collect analytics, measure Facebook Ad performance and build audiences for Facebook Ad targeting by integrating Facebook App Events into your app. This guide provides detailed instructions on configuring and using Facebook App Events, including both automatically logged and custom events.
Setup and Configuration
Add Facebook App Events Plugin
Ensure the Facebook App Events plugin is added to your cart.
Configure Facebook App Events
- Navigate to the plugins integration section in your app development environment.
- Go to the Facebook App Events settings.
Facebook App Events Configuration
- Autolog FB Events: Enable or disable automatic logging of events.
- Client Token: Enter your Facebook app's client token.
- App ID: Enter your Facebook app ID.
- Save the configuration settings.
- Rebuild your app to apply the changes.
Automatically Logged Events
When using the Facebook SDK, certain events in your app are automatically logged and collected for Facebook Events Manager unless you disable this feature. These events are useful for targeting, measurement, and optimization.
- Learn More:
Manually Log Events (Custom Events)
To send custom events to Facebook, use the following methods:
Regular Events
Plain JavaScript:
const { events: FacebookEvents } = window.WTN.facebook; FacebookEvents.send({ event: "MY_EVENT", valueToSum: 10, // optional parameters: { // optional name: "webtonative" } });
ES6+ Syntax:
import { send } from "webtonative/Facebook/events"; send({ event: "MY_EVENT", valueToSum: 10, // optional parameters: { // optional name: "webtonative" } });
Purchase Events
There is a special case for purchases where Facebook's SDK will send the event more immediately.
Plain JavaScript:
const { events: FacebookEvents } = window.WTN.facebook; FacebookEvents.sendPurchase({ amount: 3.14, currency: "INR", parameters: { // optional name: "webtonative" } });
ES6+ Syntax:
import { sendPurchase } from "webtonative/Facebook/events"; sendPurchase({ amount: 3.14, currency: "INR", parameters: { // optional name: "webtonative" } });
Event Names and Parameter Keys
To ensure correct event names and parameter keys, refer to the official documentation: