Native Contacts

Native Contacts

Welcome to the user guide for accessing native contacts on your device using JavaScript. This guide will walk you through the steps required to retrieve contact information using plain JavaScript (ES5) and ES6+ syntax.

1. Overview

Native contacts access allows you to fetch contact information stored on your device. This can be useful for various purposes such as filling forms, displaying auto-suggestions, or integrating contacts into your application.

2. Getting Started

Before accessing native contacts, make sure you have the necessary permissions to do so. This usually involves requesting permission from the user.

3. Plain JavaScript (ES5) Approach

3.1. Retrieve Permission Status

const { contacts } = window.WTN;
  callback: function(data){
    //data.status contains permission status

3.2. Retrieve All Contacts

  callback: function(data){
    //data.contacts contains all contacts   

4. ES6+ Module Import

4.1. Import Functions

import { getPermissionStatus, getAll } from "webtonative/NativeContacts";
  callback: function(data){
    //data.status contains permission status
  callback: function(data){
    //data.contacts contains all contacts   

5. Permission Status

The possible permission status values are:

  • authorized: Permission has been granted.
  • denied: Permission has been denied.
  • restricted: Access has been administratively prohibited.
  • notDetermined: User has not yet been asked for permission.

6. Contact Data Structure

The contact data returned includes the following fields:

  • givenName
  • familyName
  • middleName
  • birthday
  • namePrefix
  • previousFamilyName
  • nameSuffix
  • nickname
  • organizationName
  • departmentName
  • jobTitle
  • phoneNumbers (Array of Objects)
    • label
    • phoneNumber
  • emailAddresses (Array of Objects)
    • label
    • emailAddress
  • postalAddresses (Array of Objects)
    • label
    • street
    • subLocality
    • city
    • subAdministrativeArea
    • state
    • postalCode
    • country
    • isoCountryCode

7. Conclusion

You now have the necessary information to retrieve native contacts on your device using JavaScript. Make sure to handle permissions correctly and utilize the returned data as per your application's requirements.