App Permissions

Configuring app permissions specifically for Android and iOS

File/Camera Permission (Android)

  • Enable File/Camera Permission: By enabling this option, your Android app will be permitted to access the device's camera and files. Users will be prompted to grant permission when they first use these features. file camera permission-android.png

Location Service (Android)

  • Enable Location Service: By enabling this option, your Android app will have permission to access the device's location. Users will be prompted to grant location permission when they first use location-based features. Location service android.png

Audio/Video Recording Feature (Android)

  • Enable Audio/Video Recording Permission: Enabling this option grants your Android app permission for audio and video recording. Users will be prompted to grant permission when they first use these recording features. Audio video recording feature- anndroid.png

Request Tracking Authorization (iOS)

  • Request Tracking Authorization: For iOS apps, you must take tracking authorization if your app collects data about end users and shares it with other companies for purposes of tracking across apps and websites. This ensures compliance with Apple's App Tracking Transparency framework. request tracking ios.png

Save and Rebuild Your App

After making these changes, click on "Save & Rebuild" your app to see the updates reflected in your Android and iOS versions. save for android permissions.png