In-App Reviews

In-App Reviews in Your App

In-app reviews allow you to collect feedback and ratings from users directly within your app, providing a seamless experience and potentially improving your app's rating on the Play Store. This guide outlines best practices for requesting app reviews and demonstrates how to prompt users for reviews using native app review functionality.

Best Practices for In-App Reviews

  1. Timing of Request:

    • Make the review request at a time that doesn’t interrupt the user's workflow, such as at the end of a sequence of events they successfully complete.
  2. Avoidance of Immediate Requests:

    • Avoid requesting a review immediately upon launching the app, even if it's not the first time it's been launched.
    • Also, refrain from showing a review request as a direct result of a user action, as this can be disruptive.
  3. Respect User Preferences:

    • Remember that users can disable review requests from appearing on their device altogether. Respect their preferences and avoid excessive or intrusive review prompts.

Implementing Native App Review

Plain JS Method

const { appReview: AppReview } = window.WTN;

ES6+ Method

import { prompt } from "webtonative/AppReview";


By following best practices and integrating native app review functionality into your app, you can encourage users to provide feedback and ratings more conveniently. Remember to respect users' time and preferences while requesting reviews to maintain a positive user experience.