Members and Meeting Settings

Configure your one-on-one meeting

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  • Hosts: Specify the host or hosts for the one-on-one meeting.

  • Attendees:

    • Allow attendees to add guests to the meeting if needed.
  • Save: Save your settings to finalize the configuration.

Configure your Group Meeting

Untitled design - 2024-07-09T112859.161.png Set up your group meeting details:

  • Hosts:

    • Specify the host of the group meeting.
  • Attendees:

    • Max Attendees per Meeting: Limit the number of attendees per meeting to 2.
  • Display Available Spots on Booking Page: Show the number of available spots on the booking page to inform attendees about remaining capacity.

Configure your Collective Meeting

Untitled design - 2024-07-09T113021.442.png Configure your collective meeting details

Select number of host for the meeting.

  • Hosts:

    • Specify the host for the collective meeting.
  • Attendees:

    • Allow attendees to add guests to the meeting if needed.

Configure your Round Robin Meeting

Untitled design - 2024-07-09T113102.910.png Configure your round robin meeting details:

Select number of host for the meeting.

  • Hosts:

    • Specify the host for the round robin meeting.
  • Attendees:

    • Allow attendees to add guests to the meeting if needed.
  • Save: Save your settings to finalize the configuration.


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