Members and Meeting Settings
Configure your one-on-one meeting
Hosts: Specify the host or hosts for the one-on-one meeting.
- Allow attendees to add guests to the meeting if needed.
Save: Save your settings to finalize the configuration.
Configure your Group Meeting
Set up your group meeting details:
- Specify the host of the group meeting.
- Max Attendees per Meeting: Limit the number of attendees per meeting to 2.
Display Available Spots on Booking Page: Show the number of available spots on the booking page to inform attendees about remaining capacity.
Configure your Collective Meeting
Configure your collective meeting details
Select number of host for the meeting.
- Specify the host for the collective meeting.
- Allow attendees to add guests to the meeting if needed.
Configure your Round Robin Meeting
Configure your round robin meeting details:
Select number of host for the meeting.
- Specify the host for the round robin meeting.
- Allow attendees to add guests to the meeting if needed.
Save: Save your settings to finalize the configuration.