Mobile SDK

Connect Mobile SDK with Chat

Access Settings

  • Go to the Connect dashboard and click on "Settings."

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Navigate to Channels

  • In the settings menu, find and click on "Channels."
  • Click on the "Mobile SDK" option.

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Connect Mobile SDK With Chat

  • Follow the iOS and Android guides to learn more about setting up the mobile SDK.
  • Use the provided API keys to integrate the mobile SDK into your mobile app.

Configure Push Notifications

  • After setting up the mobile SDK, configure push notifications for iOS and Android platforms to ensure users receive timely notifications for new messages.

Complete Chat and Bot Configurations

  • Configure chat and bot settings specific to the mobile SDK topics to ensure seamless functionality within your mobile app.

Start Creating

  • Click on "Start Creating" to initiate the setup process.

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Fill in Details

  • A dialog box will appear where you need to fill in details such as name, description, and customize the color scheme.
  • Fill in the required information and click "Save."

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Integrate Key

  • Click on the "Integrate Key" button.

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  • You'll be redirected to the key section where you can obtain the App ID necessary for integrating with your mobile app.

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By following these steps, you can seamlessly integrate Connect Mobile SDK with Chat into your iOS and Android mobile applications, enhancing communication and engagement with your users.


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