Multi-Choice Cards

The Multi-Choice card offers a checklist-style option for visitors to pick one or more choices, streamlining the process of gathering information efficiently. Here's how to incorporate and utilize Multi-Choice cards effectively:

Accessing Card Options:

  • Click the cardholder icon (+) to access the card gallery, then select the Multi-Choice card.

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Card Configuration:

  • Add all available options under the "Item name" section, providing visitors with a comprehensive list to choose from.
  • Configure the responses to be saved in the bot context or visitor field.

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Defining Selection Limits:

  • Specify the minimum and maximum number of selections visitors can make, tailoring the card's functionality to your specific requirements.

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Saving Configuration:

  • After configuring the Multi-Choice card, click Save to finalize the setup.

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Channel Compatibility and Considerations

  • Ensure compatibility with various channels such as Facebook Messenger, Instagram, WhatsApp, and Telegram, noting how each platform presents the options and interacts with visitors.

Example Use Case for Multi-Choice Card: Untitled design (68).png


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