Managing Wait Time with Wait Card

The Wait Card is designed to introduce a delay in the conversation flow, enabling the bot to pause for a specified duration before proceeding further. Here's how you can effectively utilize this card:

Accessing Card Options:

  • Click the card holder (+) icon to access the card gallery and select the Wait Card under the action section.

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Card Configuration:

  • Specify the duration of the wait time, allowing the bot to pause for the designated period before proceeding with the conversation.

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Optional Message (Delay Message):

  • Enable the delay message feature and specify the time for the all chat.

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Saving Configuration:

  • After configuring the Wait Card, click Save to finalize the setup.

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Example Use Case:

  • Implementing a brief pause in the conversation flow to simulate a natural response time, enhancing the conversational experience for the visitor. Untitled design (84).png

By incorporating the Wait Card into your bot flow, you can manage wait times effectively, providing a smoother and more engaging interaction for visitors.