Configuring the settings of the Mobile SDK
Access Mobile SDK Settings
- Navigate to the Mobile SDK settings in your dashboard or admin panel. Click on the three dots beside the embed code to edit the SDK settings.
SDK Information
- In the "Info" section, provide a name, description, and welcome message for the SDK. This welcome message is displayed when a user enters the chat and isn't assigned to any bot, directly sent to the agent.
Bot/Team Mapping
- Toggle the trigger bot option to enable your bot.
- Select your bot from the assigned bot list.
- Choose the team where you want to assign the chat.
CSAT Ratings
- Enable this option if you want to collect feedback at the end of the chat. Users will be able to rate their experience.
Multiple Chat Mode
- Enable this option to allow users to chat with multiple agents and create new chats.
- Customize the header text and button text as needed.
Real-time Message Preview
- Enable this option to see what the user is typing and preview your own typing in real-time.
Save Your Changes
- Before leaving the settings page, double-check all the modifications you've made to ensure they align with your preferences.
- Once you're satisfied with the changes, proceed to save them by clicking on the "Save" button.