Pre Chat Settings

Pre-Chat Settings

  • Access the pre-chat settings section in your web widget panel.
  • Customize the welcome chat interface to provide an engaging and informative greeting to users as they initiate the chat.

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Form Settings:

  • Set the form title and subtitle to provide context to users.
  • Toggle buttons for fields such as name, email, phone, and message to customize the information you collect from users.
  • Customize the form fields as per your specific requirements and preferences.

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Submit Button Settings:

  • Define the name of the submit button to prompt users to submit their information or initiate the chat.
  • Customize the color and text of the submit button to match your brand or design preferences.

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Save Changes:

  • After configuring all pre-chat settings including form and submit button settings, ensure to save your changes.
  • Look for a "Save" button and click on it to save your settings.

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