Manage filters in Connect
Access Connect Settings
- Log in to your Connect dashboard and click on "Settings."
Navigate to Chat Settings
- Under the settings menu, select "Chat Settings."
- Within Chat Settings, find and click on "Manage Filters."
Create New Filter
- Click on "Create New Filter" to start creating a new filter.
- A dialog box will appear where you can input necessary details:
- Name: Provide a name for your filter.
- Visibility: Choose whether the filter should be visible to agents only or to both agents and administrators.
- Assign To: Specify whether the filter should be assigned to agents, bots, or left unassigned.
- Tags: Select any relevant tags to apply to conversations that match the filter criteria.
- Status: Choose the status of conversations to include in the filter (e.g., open, closed, pending).
- Channels: Select the channels (e.g., web, messenger) to apply the filter to.
- Response Status: Specify the response status of conversations to include in the filter (e.g., waiting for response, resolved).
- Once you've filled in the necessary details, click "Save" to create the filter.
Manage Filters
- After saving, your filter will be listed in the Manage Filters section.
- You can edit, delete, or view conversations associated with the filter from this section.
- You can also create additional filters by repeating the above steps.
Apply Filters in Chat Section
- In the chat section, click on the filter icon.
- Select the necessary filter details (e.g., tags, status, channels) and click "Create New Filter."
- These filter settings will also reflect in the Manage Filters settings, allowing for consistent management across the platform.